═══ 1. Title Page ═══ Workplace Shell TrashCan Version 2.3 (c) Kai Sommerfeld 1993-1995 ═══ 2. License Agreement ═══ Workplace Shell TrashCan is shareware. You are allowed to test and use this program for 30 days. You must register TrashCan if you wish to continue using it after 30 days. You may freely distribute the shareware version of TrashCan, but only the complete and unaltered distribution archive. You may install the registered version on more than one machine, but your copy may be used on only one machine at a time. If you run TrashCan on more than one machine at a time, you must register additional licenses. The author does not guarantee the correctness of the program. The author may not be held responsible for any loss of data or other damages caused by the use of TrashCan. The author does not guarantee that the program can be used for a specific purpose. If you wish to distribute the program in conjunction with commercial software or hardware, you must have written permission of the author to do so. A license is always a version license. It is valid for all versions of the program that have the same major version number. You must acquire a new license when upgrading to a new major version. You are not allowed to give a registration key to third parties. A word to shareware: Developing TrashCan has taken much of my spare time. Consequently, I decided to release all new versions as shareware with some restrictions to encourage registration. How to register: Information on how to register and Order Forms can be found in the file Register.TXT provided as part of WPS TrashCan's distribution archive. Simply complete one of the order forms and send it to the appropriate address. Once I have received the registration fee, you will get a unique registration number used to remove the shareware restrictions from TrashCan. All users who sent me a postcard for any 1.x version of WPS TrashCan until September 11, 1995 may get a free registration! Just notice me that you've sent a postcard already and that you want to get a free registration. If I really got your card, you will receive your registration information as soon as possible. Thank you once again for supporting TrashCan! Shareware restrictions: The unregistered version has a few restrictions that make TrashCan a little less convenient, but allow you to evaluate all the features. After every system reboot, the settings for user defined icons, capacity, and most trash options will be reset to default values. Using DeskMan/2 to restore any of the settings mentioned above is not possible. However, any Trashed objects will never be deleted without confirmation in result of these restrictions. ═══ 3. Trademarks ═══ The following terms used in this book are trademarks of companies as follows. Other trademarks are trademarks of their respective companies. IBM International Business Machines Corporation OS/2 International Business Machines Corporation System Object Model International Business Machines Corporation Workplace Shell International Business Machines Corporation MMPM/2 International Business Machines Corporation Macintosh Apple Computer, Inc. Lotus SmartCenter Lotus Development Corporation OS/2 Essentials Stardock Systems, Inc. (SDS) DeskMan/2 Development Technologies, Inc. (DevTech) ═══ 4. Introduction ═══ TrashCan is a replacement for the shredder object of OS/2 Warp Version 3 (or higher). It brings a Macintosh-like trash can to your desktop. Unlike the shredder, TrashCan won't immediately delete objects dropped on it. You can delete them yourself later, or configure TrashCan to delete them according to options in it's settings notebook. So, you are able to recover Trashed objects and get them back for normal use. TrashCan features:  Use of 3 different icons for easy detecting the current state of TrashCan. Icons can be replaced by your own favourite.  Additional drag and drop features like 'Shred objects on drop' or 'Remove objects from LaunchPad'.  Modified views providing information about Trashed objects, current size of trash, number of Trashed objcts, and more.  Possiblity to restore Trashed objects to their original location.  Destruction of objects which are generally not deletable.  Capacity adjustable from 1 MByte to 'Unlimited'.  Possibility to delete old Trashed objects automatically when exceeding the capacity set.  You may select the drives to be supported by TrashCan.  Interception of 'Delete' operations for ALL WPS objects. When activated, objects will not really be deleted but appear in TrashCan.  Optional use of MMPM/2 system sounds when adding new objects, empty trash, etc.  Interface to DeskMan/2 to backup and restore ALL the common and private settings of TrashCan. What's different from 'Undelete' programs? Only Workplace Shell sofware is able to deal with every object on your desktop. TrashCan not only handles files or directories but also recognizes other objects such as shadows, program objects, and color palettes, ... which are not represented by files on any storage media. ═══ 5. System Requirements ═══ To use Workplace Shell TrashCan you need OS/2 Warp Version 3 (or higher). It will not run on previous versions of OS/2. Why this? 1. It is an application based on IBM's System Object Model Version 2 (SOM2), first introduced by Warp. 2. It uses several methods, API calls, etc., which are new for Warp. 3. The TrashCan library file is compressed using an algorithm unknown by OS/2 2.x. It cannot be loaded by operating system versions older than Warp. It wasn't easy deciding not to support OS/2 2.x. But only Warp offers all the programming stuff I needed for TrashCan's sophisticated feature set. There was no other way, unfortunately. ═══ 6. Installation, Uninstallation And Update ═══ This section describes how to install, uninstall and update Workplace Shell TrashCan. Important Note: Being a Workplace Shell class and not a 'normal' application, TrashCan requires special installation and uninstallation procedures. Please use the Installation Utility (InstUtil.EXE) only to peform these actions. ═══ 6.1. Installation ═══ Before you install Workplace Shell TrashCan make sure ALL files of the TrashCan distribution package are located in the same directory. To install, follow the steps below:  Run InstUtil.EXE from the OS/2 Command Prompt or double-click the InstUtil.EXE icon.  Adjust the installation path to where you want to keep the files related to WPS TrashCan.  In the WPS objects field, type in the directory where you want to create the TrashCan object and the object for the on-line documentation. The default is your desktop.  Push the Install button.  All necessary files will now be copied to the selected destination, the class library will be registered to WPS and the new objects will be created.  If requested to reboot, please do so. ═══ 6.2. Uninstallation ═══ To uninstall Workplace Shell TrashCan, do the following:  Run InstUtil.EXE from the OS/2 Command Prompt or double-click the InstUtil.EXE icon.  The program automatically detects whether WPS TrashCan is already installed.  Push the Uninstall button.  All files installed along with TrashCan will be deleted now, the WPS classes related to TrashCan will be deregistered, and the appropriate objects will be destroyed.  If confirmed, all entries for paths added to your config.sys during installation will be removed from this file. Note: Hidden trash folders that may holding any Trashed objects at this time will not be touched by the uninstallation process, for data security reasons. ═══ 6.3. Update ═══ To update Workplace Shell TrashCan to another version, follow the steps below:  First uninstall the old version as described under Uninstallation.  Install the new version like described under Installation. Note: Your registration information will still be present after an update. ═══ 7. Using the TrashCan object ═══ This section describes basics of using the TrashCan object and gives an overview of all of the new features it introduces. ═══ 7.1. Basics ═══ Working with the TrashCan object is similar to working with a 'normal' folder object on your desktop. Any function of a folder that makes sense for a trash can is available and will work as usual. Putting objects into TrashCan is as easy, just like a folder. Simply use your mouse to drag any object over TrashCan's icon or one of it's open views and drop it there. Recovering objects works also as usual. TrashCan offers a simple way of showing its current state by using different icons. So there is no need to open it to see whether it has any Trashed objects or not. There are three different states, represented by the following default icons: 1. TrashCan is empty. There is no object inside. 2. TrashCan is not empty, but there is enough space for adding more trash. 3. TrashCan is full. This means there is no space left to put new objects into. You must empty trash, shred one or more Trashed objects or increase TrashCan's capacity, if you want to put new objects inside. But there is more...  You may make TrashCan behave like an advanced shredder and destroy objects immediately when dropping on. Just hold down the left mouse button in addition to the right one when dropping an object and TrashCan will delete it. Note: If you are using a left handed mouse or the left mouse button for dragging objects you have to press the right button. Just try it out!  You may remove objects from your LaunchPad or Smart Items from Lotus SmartCenter for OS/2 by simply dropping them on TrashCan. Note: Such objects will be destroyed immediately after drop and therefor never appear inside TrashCan. ═══ 7.2. Pop-up Menu Actions ═══ This will describe all the pop-up menu actions available for the TrashCan object, except items that have no new functionality. A TrashCan object with it's typical pop-up menu opened is shown in the picture below: The following pop-up menu items are added by TrashCan: Empty Select this item to destroy all objects currently held by TrashCan. If you activated Confirm on trashcan empty in TrashCan's settings notebook, you'll have to confirm this action before it performs. Remember, TrashCan acts like an advanced shredder when doing this. Note: This menu item is only available if there are currently objects inside TrashCan. Product information This item can be found after selecting the arrow to the right of Help. Usually it will be the last item in the help menu. When selected, it shows a dialog with information about version, copyright, etc. of Workplace Shell TrashCan. TrashCan also comes with new sort criteria for its contents. They are applicable after selecting the arrow to the right of the Sort menu item. This item is only available when one or more of TrashCan's views is opened: Total Size Sorts TrashCan's contents by the disk space they are using, beginning with the largest one. Trash Date Sorts TrashCan's contents by the time they were trashed, beginning with the oldest one. Origin Sorts TrashCan's contents by the names of the folders they came from, in alphabetical order. ═══ 7.3. Views ═══ Workplace Shell TrashCan does not provide any completely new views, but it modifies the existing Icon view and Details view known from folder objects to match the needs for a TrashCan object. In particular, it adds an area to the top of these views, which contains information about how many objects are currently inserted and how much disk space they are using. The pictures below show a typical Icon view and Details view of a TrashCan object: In addition to the enhancements described above, the Details view of TrashCan contains new information related to Trashed objects: Total Size Information on how much disk space is used by a Trashed object. Note: The size of trashed folders is calculated accurately, which means that the real amount of disk space that they and all contained objects occupy will be reported. Trash Date This is the date the object was trashed. Trash Time The time the object was trashed. Origin The name of the folder which contained the object before trashing. This is the location for recreating the object when performing a Restore. Note: This information may not be available in some special cases - Refer to Reasons for missing origin for additional information. These new view items are customizable using the Details view settings notebook page of a TrashCan object. ═══ 7.4. Settings ═══ Workplace Shell TrashCan introduces new notebook pages to give you the opportunity to customize it's behavior to your own needs. To adjust any of TrashCan's settings use it's settings notebook as usual. Common to all new pages are the Undo, Default and Help buttons, which have the same functionality here as they do in settings notebook pages of other WPS objects. TrashCan also provides new criteria for sorting it's contents, customizable via its Sort settings notebook page. The following section describes in detail all of the new pages and what they are used for. ═══ 7.4.1. The 'Options' Notebook Page ═══ This notebook page is used to customize features for trash management, like the capacity of TrashCan and confirmations. The picture below shows TrashCan's Options settings notebook page: The section Capacity is used to adjust settings related to the amount of trash TrashCan will be able to hold. You may decide whether a limit of trash will be used or not. Here is a detailed explanation of the available controls: No limit Select this if you do not want a special capacity. TrashCan will then keep as much trash as possible. It stores Trashed objects as long as space is left on storage media. Limited to Select this if you want to set a limit for the size of TrashCan. TrashCan will never execede the capicty limit. Use the spin field to the right of this control to adjust the capacity. Values from 1 MByte up to the overall capacity of all currently supported drives are selectable. Auto delete This is used in conjunction with a limited capacity only and therefore not selectable unless Limited to is chosen. If selected, TrashCan will automatically delete old Trashed objects as you trash new objects, if the trash size grows over the specified capacity. Old objects are destroyed depending on their Trash Date and Trash Time information - beginning with the oldest one, until there is enough space for the new objects you want to insert. This guaranties TrashCan will never be full and you'll never have to empty trash yourself if you don't want to do so. Note: Trashing objects does not require additional disk space, but also it doesn't free any! Disk space is only freed if Trashed objects are destroyed. The section Other is used to adjust any additional features. The following controls are available: Empty on system startup If selected, trash will be emptied every time the operating system is restarted. 'Delete' support If activated, choosing Delete from the pop-up menu of any object on your desktop will not destroy this object but put it into TrashCan. This also works if you press the Del key after selecting an object (which generally would destroy the object). Note: This option only effects objects on supported drives. Objects that not reside on a supported drive will really be deleted. Confirm on empty You will have to confirm every time you empty TrashCan, if you set a check mark here. Confirm on auto delete This is used in conjunction with Auto delete (see above) only and will be ignored unless you activated the auto delete feature. When this option is selected, you'll have to confirm every time TrashCan wants to destroy any old Trashed objects by itself. Use this if you want to prevent deleting of old objects which may still be important to you. ═══ 7.4.2. The 'Drives' Notebook Page ═══ This notebook page is used to customize the drives to be supported by TrashCan. To use this feature properly, it is important to understand the following: 1. Where does TrashCan store the Trashed objects? 2. What does it mean - support a drive? The picture below shows TrashCan's Drives settings notebook page: The following controls are available to customize the drives supported by TrashCan: Available drives This is a list of supportable, but currently not supported drives. Note: Currently only drives located on non-removable media (like hard disks) and to which you have write access are supportable by TrashCan. Removable drives and drives to which you have read access only will not appear in this list. Supported drives This is a list of all currently supported drives. Add >> This button is for adding a drive to the list of supported drives. << Remove Use this button to remove a drive from the list of supported drives. To add / remove support for a special drive, do the following:  Mark a drive in the list of available / supported drives.  Push the Add >> / << Remove button or double-click the selected drive to perform. Note: Hidden trash folders that may holding any Trashed objects at this time will not be touched when removing support for drives, for reasons of data security. ═══ 7.4.3. The 'Icons' Notebook Page ═══ This notebook page is used to customize the icons to be used by TrashCan to show it's current state. The picture below shows TrashCan's Icons settings notebook page: Changing icons is done the same way as any other Workplace Shell object. The Create another, Edit and Find buttons work as usual. Dropping any object on the Current icon field to change an icon is also supported. Note: The controls for changing icons are generally located in the General page of the settings notebook of a Workplace Shell object. Because TrashCan uses 3 icons, it's got it's own page for dealing with this. You will not find any controls for manipulating icons on TrashCan's General page. To change an icon, do the following:  Select the icon you want to change by pushing the appropriate radio button in the Icons section of this page.  You will see the icon currently assigned to the selected state in the Current icon field.  Perform the action of changing the currently displayed icon like known from other WPS objects (for instance by using drag and drop). ═══ 7.5. System Sound ═══ Workplace Shell TrashCan introduces 2 new system sounds: Empty trash This will be played every time you empty TrashCan. Drop trash You will hear this every time you put a new object into TrashCan. In addition, the predefined system sound Shred will be played every time objects located in TrashCan are destroyed. Changing, enabling or disabling of the new or predefined sounds is done using the Sound object, located in your System Setup and Multimedia folder. Note: The sound capabilities of TrashCan are only available if Base Multimedia Support (a part of MMPM/2) is installed on your system. This is a feature you may have chosen during installation of the operating system or after this using Selective Install. ═══ 7.6. Saving / Restoring Settings Using DeskMan/2 ═══ TrashCan provides an interface to the popular Workplace Shell backup utility DeskMan/2. If you're a user of this software, refer to it's documentation for further details. Calling the interface implemented in TrashCan, DeskMan/2 gets all information about the private settings of a TrashCan object and is able to backup, update and restore it completely. The following additional settings will be sent to DeskMan/2, when backing up a TrashCan object:  The 3 icons used by TrashCan.  The drives supported by TrashCan.  TrashCan's capacity.  Information about confirmations and all other user adjustable options for trash management. ═══ 8. Using Trashed Objects ═══ This section describes how to use Trashed objects and gives an overview of all of it's features. ═══ 8.1. Basics ═══ What are Trashed objects? Trashed objects are objects that were 'deleted' by putting them into TrashCan. Those objects can only be found inside a TrashCan object - they will not exist anywhere else on your desktop. A Trashed object is a representative of a 'deleted' object. It offers special functionality, very different from the object it's related to. Otherwise, being a Workplace Shell object, it's manipulated as usual. ═══ 8.2. Pop-up Menu Actions ═══ This will describe all the pop-up menu actions available for Trashed objects, except items that have no new functionality. A Trashed object with its typical pop-up menu opened is shown in the picture below: The following pop-up menu items are introduced or modified by Trashed objects: Move... This works most similar to the normal Move, except this action ends in recovering a Trashed object in the destination folder you select. Restore... Use this to recreate a Trashed object at the location (the folder) it resided in before it was trashed. On a successful restore, the folder the object was recreated in will automatically open to let you check the result. Note: This menu item may not be present if there is no origin information available for a Trashed object. Shred Select this item to permanently destroy a Trashed object. After this, the object can not be recovered using TrashCan. Remember, TrashCan acts like an advanced shredder when doing this. Details... This item can be found after selecting the arrow to the right of Open and shows the Trash Details View of a Trashed object. ═══ 8.3. Views ═══ Trashed objects provide a new view called Trash Details. A typical Trash Details view is shown in the picture below: The following information is available: Object Class This is the title of the Workplace Shell class the Trashed object belongs to. Origin The name of the folder the Trashed object was contained in before trashing. This is the place for recreating the object, when performing a Restore. Note: This information may not be available in some special cases - Refer to Reasons for missing origin for additional information. Total Size Gives information on how many disk space is used by a Trashed object. Note: The size of trashed folders is calculated accurately. Which means the real amount of disk space they and all contained objects occupy will be reported - not just zero! Time Stamp This is the date and time the object was trashed. ═══ 8.4. Settings ═══ There are currently no settings available for customizing the behavior of Trashed objects. ═══ 9. Frequently Asked Questions ═══ I have activated the 'Delete' support feature. But after selecting 'Delete' from the pop-up menu of an object it will really be destroyed rather than appearing in TrashCan (regardless it resides on a supported drive or not). Your TrashCan object may have lost its OBJECTID. When performing a delete the WPS object searches a TrashCan object with an object id of . If no such object can be found the delete operation will destroy the object. Use one of the several tools available to reassign the correct object id to TrashCan. To register my copy of WPS TrashCan I'm asked to open the 'Help' sub menu of TrashCan's pop-up menu. But there is no menu item called 'Help'! Most possibly you have the statement SET MENUSTYLE=SHORT in your config.sys file. This removes the Help item. To get it back, please comment the above statement out and reboot. After that you will be able to register your copy. ═══ 10. Known Bugs / Limitations ═══ 1. TrashCan does not intercept delete operations done from 'outside' the WPS. If you delete files or directories using file manager programs or the Command Line, they will really be destroyed and therefor never appear in TrashCan! 2. Currently there is no handshake with or any other support for the DELDIR feature of OS/2. 3. TrashCan currently cannot remove broken items (those with a icon) from the LaunchPad. 4. When dragging objects out of TrashCan to another folder, the objects will not appear exactly at the drop position. I'm still working on this problem. 5. If you change any of the Format or Icon display settings in TrashCan's Icon view notebook page, and such a view is currently opened, the status area in the view will disappear. Closing and reopening the view will solve the problem. ═══ 11. Comments ═══ Workplace Shell TrashCan is still under development. It seems to run well on the most systems, but there may be some bugs anyway! Being not a native english speaker I probably made mistakes. I'm always interested in getting information on stylos left in WPS TrashCan's documentation, in the online-help or in the program itself. If you are interested in translating TrashCan to your language, please contact me. (You must have knowledge about the IPF Tag Language and the Resource Description Language to do the translation). Feel free to ask me whether there is already available a version in your language. ═══ 12. Revision History ═══ The following is a list of all versions of Workplace Shell TrashCan, describing the changes made over time: 01/07/94 - Version 1.0 (Initial release) 02/01/94 - Version 1.1 1. New Features:  User cutomizable icons for TrashCan. (Sounds simple - but believe me, it was a hard job!) 2. Bug Fixes:  Some fixes in 'undo' feature in the new notebook pages. 3. Other Changes:  n/a 02/18/94 - Version 1.2 1. New Features:  New default icons. (I've heard about any copyrights for the original Macintosh icons!)  'auto delete on limit reach' mode. 2. Bug Fixes:  Drag and drop of large icon files (> 10K) caused an error. 3. Other Changes:  In 'Icons' notebook page: A frame is drawn around the icon displayed in 'Current icon' field while any WPS object is dragged over it. 02/26/94 - Version 1.3 1. New Features:  Added some sound to TrashCan ('Sound' notebook page). - Thanks to Robert Novitskey (Big Bad BoB) for the hint, how to do this! 2. Bug Fixes:  Dropping objects on TrashCan from other processes than the WPS (e.g. from FileManager/2) was not possible. (always stop sign when dragging over). 3. Other Changes:  If 'auto delete on limit reach' is active, and an object larger than the specified trash can capacity is put into the trash can, this object will be deleted immediately, instead of deleting first all old objects and then the new object too (result in version 1.2 was an empty trash can).  Validation check for TrashCan's capacity on installing, moving (to another drive) of the trash can folder. Now there will always be a valid capacity. 06/07/94 - Version 1.4 1. New Features:  Added a 'Change' button to 'Sound' notebook page, which opens the 'Sound' notebook in the 'System Setup' folder.  Added a 'Find ...' button to 'Icons' notebook page. Now searching works most similar to all other WPS objects.  'Confirm on trash can empty' mode.  The current trash size and the count of objects are now displayed in the icon view of TrashCan. 2. Bug Fixes:  Fixed a bug in 'install.exe' - If the old trashcan.dll and/or trashcan.hlp are/is set 'read only', a reinstallation/update failed.  Changed a small "dirty" code fragment ( Ooops! ) - So this and coming versions of TrashCan will work fine with "OS/2 Performance Beta I" (and higher), too. 3. Other Changes:  'Empty' TrashCan and 'Shred' of object(s) via pop-up menu work now in a separate thread. So the WPS doesn't block while performing these tasks.  Did some testing with TrashCan and OS/2 2.11 (OS/2 2.1 Service Pak: Syslevel XR06200) - found no problems. 11/22/94 - Version 1.5 (Only available with SDS OS/2 Essentials) 1. New Features:  During installation, now a location for the TrashCan object may be specified. If this location is different from the desktop folder, TrashCan automatically creates a shadow of itself on your desktop. Note: Creating the TrashCan folder in the root of boot drive is now the default!  'Confirm on auto delete' mode.  Added DeskMan/2 interface. DM/2 now may save all private settings of TrashCan, like the 3 icons or the trash options. So it can restore not only the data common to all WPS objects, but also those specific for TrashCan.  If you want to change the icons of TrashCan via drag and drop, there is no longer a limitation to *.ico files! You may drop ANY objects on the 'Current icon' field in 'Icons' notebook page.  The 'Icon' object is now preselected in find dialog, if you push the 'Find ...' button in 'Icons' notebook page.  The 'Sound' notebook page now only will be displayed, if you have installed MMPM/2 on your system. 2. Bug Fixes:  Some users reported problems when assigning 256 colored icons to TrashCan via drag and drop. I think, this bug is fixed now!? 3. Other Changes:  Minor (non functional) changes in drag/drop interface.  The class dll file (TrashCan.DLL) no longer needs to be located in a path included in LIBPATH statement of config.sys.  The Installer was completely redesigned.  Did some testing with TrashCan and OS/2 Warp v3 (Syslevel XR03000) - no problems. 05/02/95 - Version 1.0 pro (Only available with SDS OS/2 Essentials) 1. New Features:  Shred objects on drop.  Completely redesigned TrashCan's sound capabilities. There is no longer need for an own 'Sound' page in TrashCan's settings notebook. All the sound caps. are now controlled via the 'Sound' object coming with the operating system. 2. Bug Fixes:  n/a 3. Other Changes:  Made TrashCan more "Warp"-aware, esp. improved dealing with lazy drag and drop operations.  'General' notebook page #2 (animation icon) now will be inserted behind the 'Icons' notebook page, instead behind the last 'File' page. 09/11/95 - Version 2.0 (Initial shareware release) / 2.0 pro 1. New Features:  Now TrashCan has it's own Details view with information about the Trashed objects.  Trashed objects now have an own view which gives detailed information about them.  You now may restore Trashed objects to the location they originally came from.  Objects inserted into TrashCan now can be sorted by several criteria.  Configuration of drives to support by TrashCan (New 'Drives' notebook page).  Added XGA/8514 format to all icons. This is useful for users of display resolutions higher than 800x600 only (no longer ugly looking icons as a result of rendered VGA-format). 2. Bug Fixes:  Fixed a small bug accured when assigning an icon via drag and drop - If the dropped object is a data file, in some cases the wrong icon (that of the program object possibly associated with the data file) was assigned to TrashCan. 3. Other Changes:  Ported TrashCan to SOM2.  Major rewrite of TrashCan for improved performance, memory usage and user comfort (only some visual changes but a lot of functional).  Enhanced functionality to ensure the integrity of TrashCan's contents (for instance when deleting an object in a trash folder from the command line).  There is no longer any reason for not creating the TrashCan object on the desktop - It now will be created there by default! The "Archive desktop" feature of Warp can be used without any problems now.  Enhanced interface to DeskMan/2 (esp. for restoring / updating TrashCan via DeskMan/2).  Minor changes in TrashCan's notebook page dialogs.  'General' notebook page #2 (animation icon) was removed from TrashCan's settings notebook, because there is no need for this.  Completely changed the way user defined icons will be saved, because of former problems when storing large icon data. 09/12/95 - Version 2.1 / 2.1 pro 1. New Features:  n/a 2. Bug Fixes:  Fixed a major bug (Arrgh!) in v2.0! Sometimes after reboot, there were duplicated Trashed objects in TrashCan! Means, when you opened a view of TrashCan, there possibly were multiple objects with the same name. Result was calculating of wrong total trash size and some strange things depending on this - Sorry for such an ugly bug - I hope, it's fixed now! 3. Other Changes:  Added file "SDS-OE.TXT" to distribution archive, which gives users of the commercial version of TrashCan information on how getting updates. 10/21/95 - Version 2.2 / 2.2 pro 1. New Features:  TrashCan now is able to remove objects from the LaunchPad and from "Lotus SmartCenter". However, broken LaunchPad items (? icon) are not supported in this version.  You may now drop objects with opened views on TrashCan. All the views will be closed when trashing. However, currently TrashCan will not terminate any running apps! If you try to trash a running program, TrashCan refuses to do so. 2. Bug Fixes:  TrashCan didn't care about the default action for title clashes set in the 'System' object's 'Title' settings notebook page. When moving objects to TrashCan or when restoring Trashed objects to their original location, in case of title clashes, there always was displayed the prompt dialog. - Thanks to Gordy Thompson for reporting this bug.  There were some bugs, caused by using DeskMan/2 to update / restore the TrashCan object: - An animation icon was added to TrashCan - even, if there was never assigned one. When opening any of TrashCan's views after that, it's icon changed to that animation icon. For instance, the bulged out icon changed to the slim one. TrashCan now prevents such an assignment. - TrashCan had the 'empty' icon assigned after performing an update / restore, even it was not empty.  Some other minor fixes. 3. Other Changes:  Performance improvement when dealing with large amount of Trashed objects. (Detecting any "Dirty Command Line Tricks" and adding / removing Trashed objects for any "Bad Boys" after that works MUCH faster now !)  Removed the message boxes saying 'Object will be restored ...' and 'Object restored successfully...' when a Restore was performed. I think, this gets somewhat nerving when restoring more than one object?!  Documentation was completely rewritten. The on-line book 'Workplace Shell TrashCan - User's Guide' has replaced the ASCII file 'TrashCan.DOC'.  The installer was - once again - completely reworked: a. There is no longer need for the file 'InstUtil.CFG'. b. The new on-line documentation will be installed along with the TrashCan class. c. Updating TrashCan is easier now. New versions may be installed without rebooting after uninstallation. d. The installer handles all necessary changes to config.sys. e. Uninstall will generally delete all the old files installed along with TrashCan and the installation directory, too. 11/04/95 - Version 2.3 / 2.3 pro 1. New Features:  Added 'TrashCan - support' for all WPS objects. If you delete any WPS object (i.e. by selecting 'Delete' from it's context menu), it will not be destroyed but will appear in TrashCan. 2. Bug Fixes:  n/a 3. Other Changes:  Registering TrashCan from outside Germany is much easier now by using the service of BMT Micro. Refer to the file 'Register.TXT' for further details. ═══ 13. Contacting The Author ═══ You may contact the author using following addresses: Mail: Kai Sommerfeld Hochschulstr. 48 07/08 01069 Dresden GERMANY E-mail: ks1@irz.inf.tu-dresden.de Please feel free to send any comments / suggestions / bug reports to me. ═══ ═══ If you put an object into TrashCan, it moves this object from it's original location to a hidden folder named 'Trash', located in the root of the drive the object is on. Then a reference to the object - a Trashed object - will be added to TrashCan's contents. This guaranties an optimal performance, because moving objects from just one directory to another on the same drive is very fast. You may find such a folder on every drive currently supported by TrashCan. Note: The hidden folders mentioned above will be created and deleted dynamically. That is, if there is no trash on a special drive, no folder will be present there. ═══ ═══ In case of the request to trash an object, TrashCan looks at whether this object resides on a drive currently marked as supportable. If it is so, the object will be stored, if not, it will be destroyed immediately. In the last case you will get a notification and may decide to cancel the action or perform the destruction. ═══ ═══ Under some circumstances, there is no origin information available for a Trashed object. This will happen very seldom, but is possible. Known conditions for missing origin information are:  You just removed support for a drive currently holding any trash. As mentioned, the stored objects will not be destroyed. When you reenable the support for this drive, the old objects stored there will reappear in TrashCan, but without origin information.  You've updated TrashCan to another version or reinstalled it. If there were any stored objects at this time, they will reappear, but the origin information is missing.  You put objects directly into hidden Trash folders or the TrashCan folder itself, for instance using the OS/2 Command Line (e.g. 'copy stuff.txt e:\Trash' or 'copy stuff.exe d:\Desktop\TrashCan'). ═══ ═══ TrashCan tries to destroy any kind of objects, when requested to do so. This means, it also deletes trash that is generally not deletable (like non-deletable templates, read-only files, ...). ═══ ═══ A commercial version of Workplace Shell TrashCan is shipped with "SDS OS/2 Essentials" by Stardock Systems, Inc.. ═══ ═══ The Workplace Shell TrashCan distribution package contains the following files: InstUtil.EXE Program for installing, uninstalling and updating WPS TrashCan. TrashCan.DLL WPS class library containing TrashCan's whole functionality. ObjPlus.DLL WPS class library containing 'TrashCan support' for all WPS objects. TrashCan.HLP TrashCan's on-line help. TrashCan.INF TrashCan's on-line book (you are reading now). ReadMe.1st Basic information (ASCII file). Register.TXT Information related to registration and order forms (ASCII file). SDS-OE.TXT ASCII file containing information for users of the version of WPS TrashCan shipped with 'SDS OS/2 Essentials'. FILE_ID.DIZ Short description of WPS TrashCan for BBS sysops.